Blissful Agony Read online

Page 6

  “I’m Slater, alpha of the Edenton Pack. Where are you from, son?”

  Clint opened his mouth but only a croaking sound came out.

  Slater moved to hand him a glass of water. “Have a drink. Food is coming shortly. We’ll start off slow though.”

  He sipped at the water and breathed a sigh of relief. Before he could roll to set it down, Slater took the glass, placing it on the end table.

  Over what seemed like hours, he told Slater everything that had happened from the night he was attacked and became a werewolf, to driving away from his old town in a deceased woman’s car.

  Nodding slowly, Slater asked, “Want a new pack? One who will help you start over? We’ll give you a proper home, get you on your feet, teach you the right way to be a wolf.”

  Tears sprang to Clint’s eyes. “And if I want revenge?”

  “Let’s get you healed first. What do you say?”


  “Welcome to Edenton.”

  Slater’s voice brought him back to the present. “There’s a new wolf. Timing is too convenient.”

  “Who?” Clint asked with a frown.

  “No one you’d know. Kid’s maybe twelve. Scared shitless. Jess is taking care of him.”

  “Shit. Yeah, that sounds like Axel’s doing. Age isn’t an issue for him. He thinks it makes his pack easier to control.” Clint rubbed a hand over his face. “How long has he been a wolf?”

  Slater shrugged. “Not sure. He’s nervous. Jittery. Not able to determine what happened to his parents, but if we can persuade the boy, I think Jess is ready to adopt him.”

  “You mean Jess is going to actually let the kid decide?”

  Slater chuckled. “She’ll convince him. She has a way about her.”

  “Yeah, it’s called awesome home cooking,” Mark murmured.

  Slater rolled his eyes. “I suspect he’s a spy. So the question is, how much have they programmed him?”

  Clint shook his head. “Without seeing the kid, I can’t tell you. Does he ask how high when you say jump?”

  “We haven’t given him any kind of order. Jess took him in and immediately decided he needed a meal.”

  “I can talk to him. Maybe I’ll stumble upon the right questions.”

  “No. You stay out of it for the moment. If he’s spying and goes back to them, the less he learns about you, the better. Besides, Robert’s adamant you stick with Emily.”

  “Shit. I can’t figure out what her brother’s thinking. I’m the target, and he’s putting his sister in the line of danger.”

  “Robert made a compelling argument to keep the arrangement. I’m inclined to agree.”

  “Yeah, what’s that?” Clint snapped.

  “She trusts you and would rather be in your care than with Robert. Emily told him as much when he asked her yesterday.”

  He wasn’t sure if he should be relieved, or worried. “Robert doesn’t realize I’m going to wind up mating Emily the second I’m with her. I’ll never rush it, but…shit.” He rubbed at his chest. “I’d best warn her before we get there.”

  “Honestly, I didn’t ask about that, but he’s not a fool.” Slater chuckled. “He either knows or will accept it.”

  “Let’s hope. I remember how he trapped that asswipe in the cement column, and he threatened to do the same to me if I hurt his sister. Sure as hell wasn’t a pretty way to go.”

  Slater laughed. “True enough.” He slapped Clint on the back. “You’ll be fine.”

  The other three enforcers came around the house. Brody spoke up, “So, why did you bring us all out here?”

  Slater looked to Clint and back to his second. “A few reasons. We have a new wolf, but he may be a spy for the Elm Wood Pack.”

  Brody’s eyes flashed. “Shit, the assholes who turned Clint?”

  “Yup, those same ones,” Slater answered, passing each of them a beer. “Their second drove her Humvee into Emily’s car. Luckily, she only hit her head, and Clint got her out of there.”

  Brody patted Clint’s back. “Good thing she had you.”

  “She wouldn’t be in danger if it weren’t for me.” Clint looked into the woods. He couldn’t help thinking he was the last thing she needed.

  “You don’t know that. And the point is moot. You’re to stay on Emily detail. The guys can handle surveillance when you, Robert, Liz, or Tremaine aren’t with her.”

  Clint didn’t bother arguing. Beyond Robert’s reasons, Jess probably told him something that convinced him to keep them together. At least he could hope that was a positive sign. Jess saw enough of the future to be dangerous.

  Slater continued, “You see any unfamiliar wolf, you call me immediately.”

  Finishing up their beers, they discussed plans to watch Clint and Emily. Once an agreement was made, Brody, Simons, and Brian dumped their empty bottles in the bin before heading out.

  “Clint.” Slater gave him a nod. “Trust Emily. Jess says you need her.” He got up and walked away, tossing his empty bottle in a construction trash can.

  Clint sat there staring.

  “Shit, that gives me the heebie-jeebies,” Mark muttered before going inside.

  “Let’s finish up. I’m meeting Emily at five,” Clint said, tossing his bottle after Slaters.

  * * * *

  Emily sat behind the counter reading a book. Christian leaned against the surface and she dragged her eyes from the page. “Hey, Christian.” As much as she’d come to realize she loved her son, and wanted to be a part of his life, she couldn’t shake the guilt. She never even held him as a baby, sending him away with Robert right after birth. At the time, it was the only way she saw to protect him from what James might do if he found out about their son.

  “Wish you wouldn’t worry. I don’t blame you,” he murmured as if he’d read her mind. She supposed reading her emotions was close enough. Her son was clairvoyant on top of being an empath.

  Robert always had a touch of clairvoyance. More instinctual, in the way he sensed big on the horizon. She had a knack for catching people’s emotions. Neither of them were terribly gifted, but Christian’s abilities were strong.

  “No, but I do. At least you had kind people to look after you.”

  “Because you put me in caring hands. They were better equipped to deal with an infant. And now, you have me back. So really, this isn’t a bad thing, Mom.”

  Her happiness bubbled up, bursting across her face as she wiped her eyes.

  “Don’t cry.” Christian came around the counter and hugged her. He was one of the few people she never minded touching. His calm flowed through her, happiness too. “A lot is changing for you, but all of it positive.”

  She nodded. “I think so.” She swallowed hard, sitting back. “Can I ask you something?”

  Liz was headed to the counter. When Emily looked up, she turned around and went to the back of the store with a smile.

  “Ask me anything,” Christian answered.

  “What do you think of Clint Armstrong?”

  “He’s sweet on you. You should give him a chance.” He winked.

  “I am.”

  “You two fit like puzzle pieces. You’re both a little jagged, but together you make a whole.”

  Her smile brightened as she chewed her lip. “But what do you think of him?”

  Christian leaned back. “He’s a great guy. Respectful. Funny. He’s had a rough past, but he’s stronger now. I like him. Why?”

  “We’re getting closer, and he’s a wolf. The possibility of us mating is high. Or maybe I’m reading his feelings wrong.” Her gaze trailed away as she wondered.

  “You ready for that?” Christian asked with a smirk.

  She nodded. “That’s why I want to make sure you’re okay with him.”

  “He makes you happy. Isn’t that all that counts?”

  “No.” Emily set the book aside and stood up. “Your opinion matters. You’re part of my life, an important part, and I don’t want that to change.”
/>   “Never. Now go. You have a date.” He waggled his brows.

  Emily giggled. “Something like that.”

  “And, Mom, I think he might wind up needing you more than you need him. At least for a time.”

  She wanted to ask what he saw, but he wasn’t likely to answer, so instead she went with, “Is that bad?”

  A strange looked passed over his features as he lifted his shoulder. “His past hasn’t let him go. You’re going to have to be brave if you want it to work.”

  She frowned. “I can be brave for him.”

  “You will. Remember, he understands where you’ve been. You’ll have to understand his path too.”


  “That wasn’t helpful, was it? Not sure what else I ought to say.”

  “Love you, Christian.” She hugged him again as Liz made her way to the front.

  “You too, Mom. Bye, Liz.”

  “See you tomorrow, kid.” Liz waved.

  Emily could hardly contain her excitement. She had an idea of what she wanted to try. Now she needed the courage to go through with it.

  * * * *

  Every noise made him jump. Even his own footfalls as he paced through the living room. Slater and Jess had shown they wanted to give him a safe place to live. Something he never had before.

  Elias had run away from an abusive father and landed in hell. He stumbled upon a giant wolf one night and was attacked. He woke up a beast, trapped in a cage that burned every time he touched the bars.

  Since that terrifying beginning, he’d been taught their code, and beaten into submission. He followed orders, never questioning, no matter the horrors they required of him. His focus had been self-preservation.

  In Edenton, he’d found a place where he was welcomed. Watched, but if he understood his mission right, that was to be expected.

  Axel had told him, Watch Clint, bring back news.

  So far, he hadn’t seen the wolf who got away. Instead, Slater and Jess welcomed him, encouraging him to stay, relax, to settle in. Tempting, but he feared Axel would find him and drag him back.

  To get away from Ava and Axel, what a dream. A smile pulled at his lips. He passed the window again and the forest called to him. Stripping out of his clothes, he decided to go for a run. Slater had assured him his enforcers would keep an eye out, urging him to shift and run free.

  Maybe, if he gathered the courage needed, he could tell Slater the real story. Maybe Jess would convince Slater to keep him.

  Chapter 8

  Clint picked up pizza from Talia’s on the way home. It was five-to-five when he pulled into his driveway. He frowned, wishing he had a few more minutes to snag a quick shower.

  Raising his arm, he sniffed and grimaced. The one problem with manual labor, sweat. With a sigh, he climbed out of the car, and grabbed the pizza.

  Emily approached, her smile radiant. “Evening, Clint.”

  “Hey, gorgeous. Come on.” He balanced the box while fiddling with his keys.

  She winked as she snatched them out of his hand and opened his door.

  He grinned, moving past Emily to set dinner on the counter. “If you’re hungry now, grab a plate. I need a quick shower.”

  “I’ll wait. Go ahead.”

  “Be right back.” He hurried up the stairs. In record time, he was showered, and in fresh clothes. Anticipation hummed through him as he made his way back to the living room.

  She sat curled up on his couch, feet adorably tucked under her while reading a book. “What are you reading?” he asked, as he grabbed a couple plates.

  Emily’s eyes sparkled as she slid a bookmark between the pages. “Roxana Nights’ latest release. She’s writing werewolves now.”

  He chuckled. “She’s friends with Fallon and Tomahawk.”

  “I heard Fallon was shifting with her every full moon while they’re both pregnant.”

  “You’ve never met Roxana?”

  Emily shook her head. “Saw her once. Her mate makes me nervous. He’s very protective of her.”

  Clint swallowed hard. He’d be protective of Emily once they mated—if they mated. Now was probably the right time to warn her where they were headed.

  He cleared his throat. “Em, so, I’m not saying you’re there, but I need you to understand something. If we ever make love, I think, well—there’s no easy way to say this…”

  “We’ll mate.” She chewed her lip, head tilting as she watched for his response.

  “You know?”

  “It had crossed my mind. Tell me something. Are you opposed to finding your mate?”

  He shook his head. “No. But, I want you prepared if we take that step. I’d welcome a bond with you, but you’re a mage. Wasn’t sure how you’d feel about that kind of connection to me, let alone my kind.”

  “I’d sense what you’re feeling, to some degree, right?”

  “Yeah. From what I’ve been told, it can be overwhelming at times.”

  She smiled softly and took his hand. “This isn’t a tease, but I have to know. If I decided I were ready, are you?”

  His words got stuck in his throat so he nodded.

  A blush raced over her face. “Let’s eat.”

  “I’m famished.” He hopped up and held out his hand.

  She took it, letting him pull her to her feet.

  His wolf settled, content to be patient for Emily. Relief wound through him. She had accepted, even welcomed, the idea of where they were headed. Elation filled his soul.

  * * * *

  Emily sat at the counter as Clint cleaned up the kitchen. Excitement and desire raced through her. All she could think about was touching him, maybe more.

  She shifted in her seat, pressing her thighs together to relieve the growing ache. Before Clint, she hadn’t wanted a man. The thought of sex had sickened her, all because of James. And now, she wanted it so bad she could scarcely think of anything else.

  She craved the feel of his body against hers. His mouth. She wanted to know more, to beat back the fear that pressed in on her.

  He turned, his head tipping to the side with concern. “Em, what’s that look for?”

  Licking her lips, she took a breath. “How much torture would it be to cuddle, and maybe kiss?”

  “I’d survive.” He grinned, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I promise, you say stop, I stop. You want to explore? Tie me up and I’ll endure no matter what you do.”

  Looking away, she whispered, “I want to touch. But I want you to touch me too.”

  “Couch?” he asked, his voice husky.

  “Your bed?”

  He nodded, moving closer.

  She took his hand and looked into his light green eyes. “I trust you.”

  “You’ll have to tell me what you want.”

  “And if I’m not sure?”

  “Tell me where you want my hands. If I do something you don’t like, let me know. I can change it.”

  “Clint, do me a favor and stop thinking,” she said sternly.

  He chewed his lip. “Easier said than done. I want you to enjoy whatever we do.”

  “I will.”

  “I’ll ensure you do.” He opened the bedroom door and moved to lie down on the far side of the mattress. She kicked off her shoes and climbed on. His eyes went to her breasts as she crawled toward him.

  She moaned slightly. Dropping beside him, she took his hand, guiding it to the soft mound.

  He gently squeezed, his eyes delving into hers.

  “Clint.” His name came out more of a breath than an actual word as she scooted closer. His hard length pressed against her and she sighed. Pleasure coursed through the length of her body as he tentatively brushed his thumb over her nipple.

  Emily slipped her hand under his shirt, tracing the ridges of his abdomen until her hand flattened over his racing heart. His eyes softened.

  Unable to resist the lure of his mouth, she kissed him. This time their tongues danced until black spots hovered in her vision. She broke the
kiss, rolling him to his back as she straddled his lap with a gulp.

  “This okay?” she asked as she rocked her hips, grinding her heat over his length.

  He nodded, hips moving against her at the same pace, his hands cupping her breasts while he circled her nipples. Gripping the hem of his shirt, she tugged.

  Swallowing, he rose up, letting her pull the t-shirt over his head before settling back. “Gorgeous,” she whispered, rocking harder, seeking something more, not sure what.

  His eyes locked on hers as his hand touched her thigh, gliding up slowly. “If you need to stop, say so.”

  “Don’t stop. Please. Need something. Close,” she panted.

  His thumb slipped under her panties and rubbed over her clit. Intense pleasure rolled through her. She rocked into him, seeking friction.

  “That… I… oh, yes!” she cried as her body writhed over him. Unable to support her weight, she fell beside him while he continued the erotic assault.

  He pressed firmly on her clit and her back arched as ecstasy crashed over her.

  Panting, she tried to open her eyes but couldn’t. Clint caressed her thigh, tenderly stroking.

  Her lids opened as she found him watching her with a soft smile. “You okay?”

  She nodded, pleasure still racing through her system. “That was amazing.” She moaned softly. “I’ve never felt like that.”

  “Never?” His brow pinched. “You’ve never touched yourself?”

  Tears filled her eyes. “Before, it felt dirty. You made it right. With you, it’s different.”

  “Shh…” He rolled toward her, drying her tears with his thumbs, but careful to not press against her. “I’ll give you anything you need, anything you want,” he murmured.

  She burrowed against his chest and his arms wrapped around her, holding her as she sobbed.

  “It’s stupid. I never thought touching could feel so amazing. Never wanted to kiss. He ruined it all for me.”

  “Did I?” Clint asked softly, his concern clear in his eyes.

  Shaking her head, she winced. “No. You made it beautiful. And now I’m ruining everything.”