Accepting Fate Read online

Page 4

  “You can guarantee I won’t wind up like my piece of shit father?”

  “You’ll never be like him. You need to learn to use your power.”

  “And if I can’t control it, will you lock it away again?”

  Gwen stepped around the shelf. “Once Tremaine releases your power, you will learn. I’ll help. You’re getting to the point where Tremaine’s spells can’t hold. You’ll rip yourself apart when the magic erupts around you, taking out everything in your path. Everyone around you is in danger because you’re no better than a ticking time bomb.”

  * * * *

  That voice. He knew that voice. He’d been dreaming about it.

  Mike turned to find Gwen watching him with compassion as she told him about the magic ripping him apart, destroying him.

  He sensed another mage when he came in, but had assumed it was one of Tremaine’s partners.

  Their eyes locked as he turned toward her. A piece of him was pissed she hadn’t kept calling. Now she was here, in front of him, and he wasn’t sure what to think. “What are you doing here? Are you stalking me now? I thought you got the hint I wasn’t interested.” That might have been more convincing if he could’ve looked disgusted instead of ogling her.

  “Not stalking you.” She glanced to Tremaine. “I was trying to get the old man to help me out. My colleagues think I should be on bed rest, but I’m fine.”

  “Your superiors,” Tremaine corrected. “And you’re only on leave another week or so to make sure you’re at a hundred percent. You are dealing with a major concussion.”

  “Unlike most of that bastard’s victims, he managed to bang my head around, nothing more. Remus didn’t get a chance to really play. I’m fine.”

  Tremaine snorted and turned back to Mike with a scowl. “How do you know Gwen?”

  He shot Tremaine a glance. “Could ask you the same.” Shaking his head, he faced Gwen and took a breath. She stared back at him, amused. There was a challenge in her honey-brown eyes. One corner of his mouth jerked up in amusement. “Met her at a party a couple weeks ago.”

  “That’s the guy?” Tremaine balked, looking toward Gwen. He’d listened, as he always did, while Gwen grumbled, but didn’t ask questions. He was unlikely to know the unnamed man anyway. Though now, he had an idea. “I’m willing to bet you sparked Mike’s magic and freaked him out.”

  Mike shook his head. “You told Trem about me?”

  Gwen’s eyes rolled up to the ceiling with a slight shrug. “Not in detail.”

  With no clue what to make of her, his head tipped slightly. “You know what I am?”

  “The way you respond to the weather, your love of animals, the sparks—it all makes sense. You can’t keep hiding from yourself. The magic will destroy you. I’ve seen it happen.”

  “You don’t know what I’m capable of,” he warned.

  “What did you do that’s so bad?”

  “Shifted. Ate some bastard’s face off when he held a gun to my girlfriend. Her repayment was freaking out and leaving.”

  “Girl you ran into last night?”

  “Yeah, her.”

  “Her loss. Besides, you could have rekindled your romance. Clearly, you don’t want her anymore.”

  “But I don’t want the magic. I don’t need to shift. I want to be human.” He was spewing all of his old excuses but he couldn’t help himself.

  She stepped closer, shaking her head. “Got news for you. You aren’t.”

  Amanda’s words came crashing back. All the harsh jabs. A snarl ripped from his lips. “I’m a fucking monster.”

  She huffed and stood her ground. There was a curious glint in her expression. “She called you a monster?”

  A lump rose in his throat, holding back his words.

  Tremaine answered. “Amanda was stupid, human, and completely unprepared for our world.”

  Gwen nodded. “How long ago?”

  He couldn’t breathe, the memories rushed back. He fell apart for months. Roxy and his mom saw him through the pain. Then he lost his mother.

  “Five years ago,” Tremaine answered again.

  Gwen shrugged. “When they figure out what we are, humans rarely give Others a chance. Their little world is an illusion to keep them happy. Come to our side—play with the Others. We’re more fun.”

  Mike shook his head. The pain threatened to engulf him. He wanted to run, wanted to drive away and never look back, but he needed Tremaine’s help.

  Gwen closed the distance and took his hand. Electricity sparked to life, dancing from his hand, up her arm.

  She smiled, watching the magic. “Feels nice. It’s not going to hurt me.”

  His eyes widened and he jerked away. “That used to hurt Amanda. I’d have to walk away until I could get it under control.” His voice broke.

  She reached out and wiped away the frustrated tear sliding down his cheek.

  He grabbed her wrist and shoved her away. “Don’t. I don’t trust myself.”

  Tremaine chuckled. “I have an idea. Maybe Robert and Preston will agree.” His brow arched as he looked from Mike, to Gwen, and back again.

  Gwen’s eyes narrowed as her glare cut up to Tremaine.

  He grinned. “You can help Mike accept his fate.”

  Mike shook his head. He didn’t know what Tremaine was up to, but it didn’t sound good. Fate? Gwen’s eyes flashed the moment he said it. There was some special meaning there for her. He was doubly curious.

  “Don’t want help,” he growled. “I need the magic contained. I’m not ready yet.”

  “Too bad. I told you I won’t do it anymore, Mike. You were already thinking about removing the wards. Your mother wouldn’t want me to let you die. Gwen’s right, you’ve become a ticking time bomb. The best course of action is to remove the blocks and let the power sort itself out.”

  “Damn it, I could hurt someone.”

  “Then I suggest you let Gwen teach you control. You don’t have much choice. If I keep blocking, you will hurt a lot more people.”

  Gwen folded her arms over her chest with a bitter laugh. “Why are men so damned stubborn?”

  “Oh, Gwen, women are just as bad. Demanding I convince Robert and Preston into letting you work again—like I have a say in the matter.”

  A crooked smile lifted one corner of her mouth. “Robert listens to you. Preston listens to Robert. No one listens to me.”

  “I’m listening. I’m even offering a way they’ll let you work.”

  Gwen sighed. “What makes you think they’ll agree?”

  Tremaine grinned. “A hunch.”

  The bells rang. Mike looked up to find the mage, the one who was Toryn’s doppelganger from the party, walk in with another wearing a suit and styled blond hair.

  “You better know what you’re talking about,” Gwen muttered.

  Mike turned to her with a shake of his head. “You’re not a druid. How can you help?”

  Determination flashed in her eyes. “Oh, I’ll help you see why you need your magic. Might not be my first choice for an assignment, but there are worse jobs.” The last was said with a suggestive look, before her gaze shot to the men behind him. “Especially if it makes these two put me back on rotation.”

  “Gwen,” the blond GQ-looking guy started, “you had a major concussion. It’s barely been a week and you were complaining about migraines the other day.”

  Her hands landed on her hips. “You can blame my monthly cycle for that, and a headache wouldn’t have stopped me from doing my damned job. I’ve been dealing with them for the last forty years, thank you very fucking much.”

  The dark-haired mage laughed, looking to his buddy. “I told you. She’s going to be a pain in our asses until we give her something to do.”

  “I have a suggestion,” Tremaine offered.

  Mike spoke up, “Look, I’m not a mage like the rest of you. All I want is for Tremaine to lock down my magic so I won’t be a danger to anyone. He promised my mother and he’s the only one who can he

  Gwen spun toward him, raising her hand to jab his chest with a single finger. “No, oh no,” she all but spat the words. “You don’t get it, dumbass. You keep blocking your magic and you will die. Probably in an explosion of power that wipes out all of Seattle. Is that what you want?”

  “Your sister learned easily enough,” Tremaine unhelpfully pointed out.

  His hand fisted. “I’m not ready. I can’t control my magic. Roxy never had the same issues I did. She doesn’t have to live with the guilt of eating some bastard who threatened the love of her life.”

  “Actually, you’re wrong.” Tremaine pounded his hand on the table. “Roxy’s the one who killed your father. She’s the one who destroyed the woman who tried to take Trevor from her. So you tell me, is your sister tougher than you?”

  He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “Probably.”

  “I call bullshit.”

  His hands clenched the edge of the table. “The thought of hurting someone I care about is tearing me apart. I can’t deal with the fucking magic.”

  “Whoa, whoa, fucking whoa,” the dark haired mage interrupted.

  “Preston, chill,” Gwen warned.

  Preston raised a hand at Gwen’s comment. “I’m intrigued. What the hell are we talking about here?”

  Tremaine pointed at Mike. “Preston, Robert, meet Michael Nights. His mother convinced me to lock his powers up when he was a toddler. She made me promise to keep doing it until he could handle them. Well, he can handle them now, and I refuse to lock them up anymore.”

  Mike’s attention snapped to Tremaine. “Says who? You? You’re the one who locked them down all my fucking life!”

  Gwen sighed, and spun Mike’s stool toward her. “I already told you that if you keep burying your head in the damn sand, your magic is going to tear you apart. I watched my brother literally shatter when he turned into a life-sized human Popsicle. His magic overflowed, it froze everything on his street.”

  “Yeah, but did he ever scare his girlfriend away when he shifted into a fucking tiger and ate a mugger’s face off?”

  Her brow arched and her lips twitched. “He wasn’t a druid.”

  “He ever shock her whenever he got too excited or upset?”

  She shook her head sadly, and crossed her arms over her chest. “No, but right before his magic tore him apart, he called me for help, finally. It was too late. His fiancé was solid ice.”

  Mike was about to rebut, but stopped as his mouth fell open.

  Preston said, “Gwen, looks like you have a new assignment. Get this guy under control before he destroys anything.”

  Mike spun around. Both sets of eyes locked on him. “I told you I probably killed some asshole and you aren’t going to do anything?”

  Tremaine laughed. “You didn’t kill him. It was a long recovery, but considering he’d killed three men, not to mention raped and killed two more women in that same month, I doubt either Robert or Preston are going to fault you there.”

  Preston’s eyes opened wide like a light went on. “Oh, that sick fuck we found at Swedish Hospital going on and on about the tiger in Volunteer Park?”

  Mike blinked.

  Gwen let out a laugh. “How’d that go?”

  “Robert zapped my happy-ass there to take his statement. Bastard started swearing about a man who turned into the biggest tiger he’d ever seen and ripped him a new one for threatening his girlfriend. In the course of questioning, he admitted to a list of crimes up and down the west coast. You did everyone a favor by stopping him.”

  Mike’s eyes flashed. “That doesn’t make me feel any better.”

  “It should.” Robert brushed his hands down his lapels. “You saved lives. He would have kept going. His goals were money and sex. Your magic saved yourself and your girlfriend.”

  “Lot of good it did. She left me. Moved out of state and turned to drugs because she couldn’t stand what I’d done.”

  Preston winced. “That’s rough, man. But not all mortals can handle Others. You’re better off with someone who will accept you for what you are.”

  “Fucking hell.” Mike turned to Tremaine. “You really won’t help me, will you?”

  “I am. Not the way you want, but in time, you’ll understand this is what you need.”

  “I’m not ready. I can’t control it. Give me some time.”

  “No more time, Mike. Your sister learned fast. No reason you can’t.”


  “I remember a fierce boy who missed turning into a kitty cat.”

  “I didn’t know then I could kill a man in that form,” he insisted, the fear spreading no matter how much sense they made.

  One corner of Tremaine’s mouth lifted. “Didn’t kill him.”

  “Only because Amanda fainted, pulling me out of a rage.”

  “Doesn’t matter. Bottom line, you need to learn to control your magic. I can’t keep bottling it up for you. You’ve been in here every two weeks for the last three months. The magic doesn’t want to be contained anymore. Helping you is dangerous to everyone around you, Mike.”

  He leaned back and rubbed his hands through his short hair. “Fuck, fine. What do I need to do?”

  “Well, first I need to strip the existing spells. Then you’re going to listen to everything Gwen tells you because she’ll teach you how to control your power. You may even want to go visit Fallon across the way. Although she’s a tad grumpy lately, pregnancy hormones and all.”

  Mike threw his hands up. “Oh no! I’m not going near anyone pregnant right now. What if my magic flips out and hurts her or the baby!”

  Tremaine laughed out loud. “You don’t know Fallon Dean. You’re not going harm her, or that baby. She won’t let you. She’d kick your ass first.”

  “I’m not ready to risk it.”

  Gwen added, “Liz could help me when she gets back from negotiations with Amalie.”

  Tremaine nodded. “I bet she would.” He gave Mike a long look. “Don’t worry. I’d be more afraid of what Liz or Fallon would do if they thought you were a threat.” He tossed a glance at Preston and Robert. “Then again, Gwen is a tough cookie. She might hurt you before she whips you into shape, but that seems to be what you need.”

  Mike got up and stormed out of the shop. He needed a moment to think.

  Gwen followed on his heels. He spun around. “I should’ve stayed clear from you. I’m not a broken doll you can fix, sweetheart.”

  “Never called you a doll, and I’m not trying to fix you. However, I will help you leash your power. You’ll never hurt anyone who doesn’t deserve it.”

  “And if I never want to use my power to hurt anyone? Whether they’ve got it coming, or not?”

  “Then you’re more noble than I am. However, I do use my magic to defend myself, and that isn’t a crime.” She glared up at him. “You need to promise you’ll answer your damned phone from now on.”

  “You’re seriously going to hound me until I do what you want?”

  She nodded. “Yup. I will. If you don’t, the Silver Council will be poking their noses into your business and your family’s. You’re under their authority now.”

  “Shit, fine.”

  “Tremaine knows your sister. He’ll help me track her down if I need to.”

  “No, oh no you don’t. You can’t tell her I know what I am. She still thinks I don’t know what she is. You can’t interfere with my life.”

  “She’ll find out sooner or later.”

  He shifted his weight and looked away. “Yeah, well I haven’t figured out how to broach that subject.”

  “Let’s get a beer and I can help you figure out how to tell her.”

  That stopped him. His brow scrunched. “What?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Are you deaf? We need to talk. May as well get a beer. There’s a bar down the road.”

  “Talk?” He threw his hands up. “You want to talk now?”

  A coy smile graced her lips. “Wanted to since that
night you ran out on me. I want to know your story. Why you’re running, why you’re hiding from yourself.”

  “I’m not that interesting, Gwen. You’ll find I’m a pretty boring guy when my magic isn’t out of whack.”

  “I highly doubt that. Your aura tells an entirely different tale. There’s a lot hiding in there.”

  He groaned and looked up at the sky. “Why couldn’t Tremaine lock down my magic again?”

  “Every two weeks, Mike? How often did you used to have to find Tremaine?”

  “In the beginning, it was once a year. It became more frequent after that night in the park.”

  “When did it get down to two week intervals?”

  “Few months ago.”

  She winced and her tone became forceful. “Come back inside. Trem needs to remove the rest of the wards. Then we’ll go get a drink.”

  Mike took a deep breath, and let it out. “And if I drive away?”

  “Then I’ll have Preston and Robert help me find you and we’ll bring Tremaine to you. I suggest going quietly and letting him get it over with.”

  Chapter 4

  Tremaine watched Mike stomp outside with Gwen on his heels. He let out a laugh, and slapped the counter. “Fucking perfect.”

  Preston slid onto the stool Mike had vacated. “So, he’s the tiger who tore that bastard apart five years ago?”

  “Yup. Though he didn’t mean to. I was able to contain Roxy’s magic with one set of wards. Eventually it broke around the time she was turned. Mike, on the other hand, his magic didn’t stay under control so easily. I’ve had to renew the spells repeatedly over the years. His mother wouldn’t listen to reason. I tried to tell Evelyn it was stupid to keep binding his magic, and we needed to stop. She made me promise that until he could handle his father, or his father was gone, to keep the wards maintained. I promised, but that shitfucker is dead now, so I’m not blocking his magic anymore.”

  Robert shook his head. “Think Gwen can handle him? He looks like he’s ready to strangle someone.”

  Tremaine looked out the window. “He won’t harm Gwen—he’s a great big pussy cat. And she was begging me to have you two put her back on assignment. This is perfect. Mike can be tough when he needs to be, but he’s not a bad guy. Thanks to his mother’s misguided attempt at protection, he’s had to suppress what he is since he was three. He’d been shifting since he was one.”